Ayurveda – Not a Frozen Science

From the Forests Deep
Do Some Treasures Peep
Unlock Ancient Delights
To Radiate a Glow that
In the Wilderness Thrives
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, which translates as the “knowledge of life.” It is considered the oldest healing science by many scholars. Think of it as the medical arm of the yogic systems of the Indian subcontinent that include Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta and Buddhism.
Our ingenious ancestors, who were blessed with sacred knowledge of herbs and plants, prepared diverse holistic Ayurvedic treatments for better skin, hair and personal hygiene. For over 5,000 years, these therapeutic herbs have been used as cleansing agents to rid the body of toxins and bring it back to its natural state of balance.
In a world of quick-fix chemicals, we believe that most diseases can be treated using Ayurveda wellness. Given the potency of these traditional Ayurvedic herbs, persistent topical application, combined with the right diet, expels toxins and purifies the body. JungleBerry is an initiative to create authentic Ayurvedic products that can be used in daily life for better health and well-being.
Which brings us to the somewhat superfluous question about whether Ayurvedic medicine should be treated as alternative medicine. This too is fast turning into a jaded myth. If a line of treatment helps the patient, it’s therapeutic; else it’s ineffective. Ayurveda is neither alternative medicine nor a new age fad. It is an enduring scientific framework of healthcare that has spread far beyond its traditional base. Ayurveda has gathered practical wisdom over a span of five millennia, choosing, therefore, to not remain a frozen science.
We Are Stardust – Prakruti, Cosmos aur DNA
At its core wisdom, Ayurveda has a well-developed science of individual constitutional patterns that fall under well-defined categories that mirror the great forces of nature. India’s Vedic spiritual tradition believes that every person is a combination of cosmic energies and a unique constitution, or inherited genetic code, that Ayurvedic physicians call Prakruti.
A major breakthrough for the Ayurveda community came in 2015, when one of the most prestigious scientific journals, Nature, published a paper titled 'Genome-Wide Analysis Correlates Ayurveda Prakriti’. Ayurvedic formulas have always used the concept of Prakriti to customise healthcare and beauty. In this study, scientists identified 52 gene markers as unique to Prakriti. The world sat up and took notice when it became obvious that Prakriti is associated with DNA and, in turn, with genes and that it can actually be identified through gene markers.
There is a wealth of scientific wisdom in Ayurveda for prevention of ailments with detoxification, appropriate lifestyle changes and purification of the body and the mind. Ayurveda takes into consideration our internal, external, social and cosmic environment. It is, therefore, no surprise that the Ayurvedic beauty market and its holistic wellness ecosystem are now hitching their wagon to the stars.
JungleBerry first hitched a ride to this ancient firmament in 2018 when our team of senior botanists spent two years scouring the lush Himalayan plantations in Himachal for the finest quality herbs that could be potentially used as raw materials for wellness and beauty products. We aim at bringing back the concept of holistic wellness, where every product and treatment is uniquely designed using authentic Ayurvedic formulations that are natural, herbal and free from harsh chemicals.
Drawing on this ancient science, JungleBerry has envisioned a range of the best Ayurvedic skin care products and hair care solutions for you. Our brand focuses on purity of ingredients and effectiveness of formulations. The Ayurvedic extracts used have a regenerative effect and work by harmonising the body, mind and spirit. All products of JungleBerry are handmade, using high-quality natural ingredients, and are paraben-free.
Join us on this journey aimed at restoring the body’s natural radiance, grace and beauty.